Are You Investor-Ready?

We offer three assessment options: a free self-assessment, a pitch readiness assessment, and a detailed investor-readiness assessment. Did we mention the self-assessment is free?

Startup Self Assessment

Do you think your startup is ready for investors? We’ll ask you a few key questions in nine critical areas of your business, and then generate a report with your score for each of those key critical areas, along with a number of reminders of what investors expect in a fundable startup.

Pitch Readiness Assessment

How compelling is your pitch? Have you crafted a pitch deck that truly makes your investor audience say, “wow, I want to hear more”? How is your talking script? After you share your pitch deck and video, we’ll have a group of Silicon Valley investors review your materials and score you across the nine key dimensions of startup success. You will receive a report with your scores, along with a detailed list of improvements and resources to help you get even better.

Investor Readiness Assessment

You dazzled them at the pitch event. Now what? If you got them excited with your pitch, they may interview your further and start due diligence. This means your deal room (also called data room) should be complete with all your key investor documents – legal, financial, references, and other details of your business. We do a due diligence assessment, score your business, and then give you lots of tips and resources to get even more buttoned up!