We are already up to Module 3 and it is time to think about your direct and indirect competitors.

A major stumbling block for startup is often a poor understanding of the competitive landscape they will face. We will provide tactics and tools to do a strong internal assessment as well as resources to externally research and validate the competitive landscape. Presenting your strengths on this front is key for those conversations with investors.

Key things to do or document in Module 3 include the following:

  1. A list of online resources to help you start doing your competitive research.
  2. Samples of tools and templates to help you assess your competitive strengths and weaknesses, including a Competitive Grid, Gap Analysis, SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) and a Petal Diagram.
  3. And a Competitive Intelligence self test.

As always, you can begin the next module here: https://siliconvalleyinyourpocket.com/my-account/. Good luck!

If you signed up for the live office hours – please make sure to submit questions at least 12 hours in advance of our office hours. To maintain fairness, we will answer questions in the order that they are received. If there is time left at the end of the submitted questions, we will open up Q&A to anyone on the line. You can request to ask a question by submitting a comment in the chat window during the session. Please use the following link to submit your questions in advance: https://tinyurl.com/sviyp-weekly-questions.


Jeff Wallace & Kal Deutsch