A very standard pitch format in Silicon Valley is a 7-8 minute pitch in which you need to convey 11 aspects of your business on at least 11 slides. Sharing that much information on one slide in less than 40 seconds per slide is daunting to say the least. We help you break down your story so that you can get the maximum impact and get your audience to say, “that’s interesting, I want to hear more.” Don’t forget – we love to make those key introductions – once you are ready.
Key things to do or document in Module 8 include the following:
- Remind yourself that the purpose of a pitch is not to impart every fact about your company, but rather to make the audience think “That’s interesting, I want to hear more…”
- Present 11 topics in 7 minutes by using a Storyboard Template to plan the slide content and talking script
- Introducing a personal story that gives audience engagement and context
- Introduce the right imagery and make it a pretty deck
- Get an outside designer, if needed
- Use the right font size
- Project yourself when presenting
As always, you can begin the next module here: https://siliconvalleyinyourpocket.com/my-account/. Good luck!
If you signed up for the live office hours – please make sure to submit questions at least 12 hours in advance of our office hours. To maintain fairness, we will answer questions in the order that they are received. If there is time left at the end of the submitted questions, we will open up Q&A to anyone on the line. You can request to ask a question by submitting a comment in the chat window during the session. Please use the following link to submit your questions in advance: https://tinyurl.com/sviyp-weekly-questions.
Jeff Wallace & Kal Deutsch