Go-to-Market is near and dear to our hearts because without a strong initial market entry strategy, your company will likely fail. This is every bit as important for new as well as established founders. We introduce a variety of tools and calculators, such as Lean Startup & Business Model Canvas, you can use to assess the market and your business model. Once you have enough validation you will be able to identify your Beachhead, that initial market entry that gives you a foundation to build on for the best chance for success.
Key things to do or document in Module 4 include the following:
- Size the market opportunity’s TAM/SAM/SOM (Total Addressable Market, Serviceable Addressable Market, Serviceable Obtainable Market) with online resources to support your research.
- Develop your Go-to-Market Strategy, your blueprint for your launch.
- Use the Business Model Canvas and Value Proposition Canvas as needed to validate your assumptions through field research.
- Make sure you have identified a Real Problem that Needs Solving.
- Define your Beachhead Strategy – your initial market entry point that offers the best opportunity for success.
- Develop a Pilot Partnership program that supports your Beachhead.
As always, you can begin the next module here: https://siliconvalleyinyourpocket.com/my-account/. Good luck!
If you signed up for the live office hours – please make sure to submit questions at least 12 hours in advance of our office hours. To maintain fairness, we will answer questions in the order that they are received. If there is time left at the end of the submitted questions, we will open up Q&A to anyone on the line. You can request to ask a question by submitting a comment in the chat window during the session. Please use the following link to submit your questions in advance: https://tinyurl.com/sviyp-weekly-questions.
Jeff Wallace & Kal Deutsch